The Secret Weapon of Busy Parents: How to Raise Happy, Connected Kids
Cherish Meaningful Moments With your Children
Despite the crazy work schedule we find ourselves in, one big obstacle we often face as parents (especially as immigrant parents) is finding a balance between providing for our family and the critical task of being a present parent.
In this article, I’ll be sharing with you some of the things I have done in the past as a busy immigrant parent to ensure that I’m actively involved in my son’s life and playing my part as a parent despite my crazy work schedule.
It hardly matters whether you’re working full-time, part-time, on-site, remotely, running businesses, or any combination of these.
The fact is being present for your children can be very challenging.
But the great news is, it’s not impossible. With some strategic planning and the right mindset, you can excel all around.
Before I delve into any of the strategies that I intend to share with you, I think it’s crucial to first acknowledge the fact that parenting in this day and age is a different ball game from when our parents were raising, especially back in Africa.