You Don’t Need A lot of Cash To Start A Small Business

Richard Appiah
3 min readAug 26, 2021

How many people are kept away from becoming fruitful business people just on account of the mixed-up conviction that they would never bear to go into business? The reality of the situation is startlingly straightforward: you don’t need heaps of money to begin a business!

What you do require is the drive to begin, the energy to discover sly answers for issues that will introduce themselves right off the bat, and the obligation to not let issues that others toss cash at preventing you from living your fantasy.

“I may be over the top on this, but I just don’t want to like my competitors. I want my people to believe that whenever he and our other competitors succeed, we will be less able to do all the things we want to do.” — Phil Knight, chairman emeritus of Nike

For instance, assuming you need to turn into a dog groomer, you don’t need heaps of money to begin that business. You need to know how to groom dogs. Without this ability, no measure of cash will permit you to gain any ground in the professional dog care market. Undeniably, you need to turn into a guru- an individual to whom others come to addresses their professional dog care…

